Sarah Hove

Sarah Hove is a freshman at UNL. She was never into performing or the arts until she joined her speech team. Sarah ended up writing poetry of her own where she wrote the poem “Something Beautiful.” Sarah ended up trying out for the talent show at Southwest where it then took off. It became a big deal seeing as she was an athlete who had never performed, and her act was the only one to get a standing ovation at Southwest’s talent show. Sarah's slam poetry reached thousands of people in Lincoln, teachers started showing it in their classes all over. She never expected this. About a month after the talent show Sarah was asked to perform her poem in front of her entire school and the local news at a “Stand for the Silent” anti-bullying rally. Since then, she has had people and teachers message and talk to her about how much her video and/or performance moved them. But Sarah doesn’t want this video to just reach the perimeter of the Lincoln area. Everyone deserves to know how beautiful they really are.